MidwayUSA's #GivingTuesday!
Posted on: Nov 28, 2023

Welcome to THE BIGGEST DAY of the year for MidwayUSA Foundation and the thousands of youth shooting programs we assist! Giving Tuesday is the official kickoff to the giving season and the perfect time to make a tax-deductible contribution to the youth shooting team or organization of your choice. On this one day, we want to raise
$300,000 to support youth shooting sports.
We know that's a big goal, and it's why we need YOUR help! In addition to matching your contribution dollar for dollar, all teams that receive a donation on Giving Tuesday will be entered to win an additional $1,000 in endowment funds. Plus, we'll award the top donation-receiving teams! There might even be bonus prizes for donors, too!
Please know that we appreciate you for choosing us when it comes to giving away your hard-earned dollars. And, like always, every cent of your donation benefits the team or organization you choose. We keep ZERO for operational expenses.
Give today. Fund tomorrow.
Every donation to a shooting program's respective endowment grows that program's annual cash grant. Cash grants provide crucial funds to offset the many expenses youth shooting teams and organizations incur. Covering the cost of ammunition, competition fees, targets, or travel can allow more young athletes the chance to participate in shooting sports. Many shooting sports athletes become future hunters and conservationists too.
An investment in youth shooting sports is an investment in the entire outdoor industry.
full blog post here.