Duke Energy to Continue Scholarship Initiative for Camp Leopold & the South Carolina Waterfowl Association

Posted on: Jul 22, 2022

A grant from the Duke Energy Foundation will allow the South Carolina Waterfowl Association to bring hundreds of students to Camp Leopold this school year to encourage ecological literacy in students through hands-on outdoor education. The $20,000 scholarship program will allow more than 500 students throughout Duke Energy’s service territories to spend three days and two nights at Camp Leopold’s Wildlife Education Center in Pinewood. Reserved primarily for students attending Title I schools, this funding will allow for unique, experiential learning opportunities in conservation education. “As students transition back to a normal routine post-pandemic, it’s important to remember that there were many experiences that they missed due to the lockdown and field trip restrictions,” said Joe Gonzalez, director of sales and marketing for Camp Leopold. “This field trip will not only benefit students academically, but the tangible benefits to the emotional, mental and physical health of participants are an equally important part of the objective of this partnership.” While attending Camp Leopold, students will be immersed in the ecosystems they learn about in science class, getting a first-hand look at some of the plants and animals that inhabit their state.  Exploring the relationships between living things and understanding the importance of conservation principles- many of which students can adopt in their everyday lives- are cornerstones of the Camp Leopold program. "We think that it is important to invest in local organizations to protect the environment and ensure future generations enjoy the natural beauty of South Carolina," said Theo Lane, district manager for Duke Energy. "Through our support of Camp Leopold, we are able to expose young people to nature and ensure equitable access to educational and enriching programs in the communities we serve." Camp Leopold and the South Carolina Waterfowl Association have a long-standing partnership with Duke Energy to ensure outdoor education opportunities are accessible for students. Their collaboration allows the program to continually provide invaluable interactions between children and nature.


Media Contact: Maria Hackney communications@scwa.org (803) 825-8078