[caption id="attachment_11578" align="alignright" width="424"]© Yury Zap - Fotolia.com[/caption]Your blog is not sailing along as successfully as you thought it would. Reader numbers and comments are down. One of these four problems could be the culprit - learn what you can do about it.
[caption id="attachment_11578" align="alignright" width="424"]© Yury Zap - Fotolia.com[/caption]Your blog is not sailing along as successfully as you thought it would. Reader numbers and comments are down. One of these four problems could be the culprit - learn what you can do about it.
Ali Luke, author at DailyBlogTips, explains four potential blog problems and solutions to those problems.
Do you ever feel like you’re not making the progress you should be? Perhaps you’ve been writing away for months, even years, on your blog – and you still don’t have more than a handful of readers. Maybe you never get comments. Maybe it’s rare that you even get a retweet. It might seem like your blogging dream (earning money, building a big audience, getting a book deal, whatever it might be) is very far away. What’s holding you back?
Here are four typical problems … and eight possible solutions:
#1: Lack of Time
When I talk to bloggers and writers, this one problem is often their biggest. They know what they want to do with their blog, they just don’t have the time.
To squeeze more blogging into your day:
Read the entire article What’s Holding you Back as a Blogger? (Four Problems, Eight Solutions) on DailyBlogTips.