Writing the Perfect Blog Post

Posted: June 09, 2020
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="462"] Image: Marketing Insider Group[/caption] It seems as though everyone has a blog these days. Just because someone is writing a blog doesn't mean it's necessarily good. But when you find someone who is doing it right, it may inspire you to create your own great blog. Putting some thought and effort in before you begin writing your blog post is the key to making sure it's going to be the caliber you want it to be. Michael Brenner, CEO of Marketing Insider Group, shares the steps to writing the perfect blog post.

How To Write The Perfect Blog Post

Do you often look at other people’s blogs and go, “Wow! I wish I could write a blog like that”? Now you don’t have to wonder anymore. I’ve researched and pulled together a blog post template that will not only help you write faster and more effectively, but will help you rank higher in search results and get more views. Here’s the ultimate step-by-step guide to writing a perfect post, so you can get the most out of every blog you create:

Step 1: Pick Your Idea

Before you can even start writing your blog, you need to figure out the topic or idea you want to cover. There are many ways to do this. You can start by using free keyword search tools like KeywordTool.io, to find keywords relevant for the topic of your choice. Use these keywords to help you narrow your research. Read high ranking articles and start noting down opportunities where you can potentially add fresh perspectives to fill in the gaps. While great blogs have original ideas, it doesn’t mean you can’t blog about a topic or idea that has already been covered. Take that post that has inspired you and make it into your own by improving upon the author’s idea or by adding new and fresh insights. Read the entire article, How To Write The Perfect Blog Post, on Marketing Insider Group.