Write Effective Email Newsletters
Posted: November 21, 2017
Email newsletters aren't always a good marketing tool. It can be difficult to get good open rates and harder to find what will grab the readers’ attention. There are some good examples out there, and they seem to follow the same several tips that make them successful.
Margo Aaron, writer for Hubspot, shares how to write newsletters people want to read.
A few weeks ago, the CEO of
GMB Fitness, Andy Fossett, looked out at a crowd of marketers and said, “Don’t. ever. blast. your. list.”
We all know this. But Andy’s eyes said what we were all thinking, “I cannot believe I still have to say this to a group of marketers. You people should know better.”
And we should. “Blasting” your list is one of those foundational email marketing violations that can get you banished for life from advanced marketing circles. Other violations include: using the greeting “Hi Friend,” not segmenting your list, and “pushing” content to “get the word out.”
Each of these violations makes up a core element of the infamous “Email Newsletter.” You might know them better as the things in your inbox you “Mark as read.”
Self-respecting email-marketers scoff at email newsletters.
And yet…we’re seeing a resurgence of (dare I say it) GREAT email newsletters cropping up everywhere.
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How To Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want To Read on