Work Smart and Hard

Posted: October 24, 2023
Mike Rowe with the Poster his guidance counselor showed him in 1977 that  inspired him to create Dirty Jobs : r/pics The subject matter today may seem to lack application for many of you.  After all, we're writers, videographers, and media specialists.  Most of us have attended college, and probably passed with flying colors.  I myself am currently in my final year of college, hoping that the last 3 years of hard work and debt will pay off. However, today's article about the value of hard, dirty work hit home for me.  It was a reminder of what I come from, and what I still enjoy the most: getting outside and working with my hands. Yes, the article is a few years old, but I'd argue its more relevant today than ever. Hopefully the words of Mike Rowe hit home for you too, and inspire you to remember where your love for outdoor things started...outside!

Why "Work Smart, Not Hard" is the Worst Advice in the World

Work smarter, not harder? Don't tell it to Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe, who meets some of the hardest-working people in America. In fact, he argues, that mantra is the opposite of the attitude we need to beat this lousy economy. For the full article, click HERE