Words of Wisdom in Freelance Writing

Posted: March 27, 2018
Bella Pope, shares three important tidbits of information when it comes to starting in the freelance field.

3 Freelance Writing Nuggets of Wisdom for When You Feeling Like Quitting

It’s crazy to think about when I first started my freelance writing career. I had just moved to a new city and was searching for jobs when I stumbled across an article about freelance writing online. I had no idea what it really entailed but I dove right in because I had always loved writing, so I figured, why not? But jumping right in without looking may have been a mistake. Freelance writing is a much more difficult career to get your start in than many other professions. Essentially, you’re starting a business. Your service is your writing and, like any other business, you have to market, build a positive reputation and grow. And also like any other business, it’s going to take a while before you start gaining traction. Read the entire article 3 Freelance Writing Nuggets of Wisdom for When You Feeling Like Quitting on The Write Life.