If your site is responding quickly and rarely suffers downtimes then I wouldn’t recommend you to turn comments off on older posts, as this removes some of the visitor interaction and also makes your older posts more static.
If your site is responding quickly and rarely suffers downtimes then I wouldn’t recommend you to turn comments off on older posts, as this removes some of the visitor interaction and also makes your older posts more static.
That being said if your site is feeling sluggish lately closing comments on older posts could help, and here is why: even if you don’t notice it, every day your blog receives dozens, hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of comments per day. How come you don’t notice them? It’s because they are spam comments, and Akismet (or whatever anti-spam plugin you use) is catching those for you.
Needless to say that processing, identifying and filtering all those spam comments requires some processing power, and that is why turning comments off on older posts can actually make your server runs a bit faster.
Click here to read the complete article WordPress Optimization Tip: Close Comment on Older Posts.
Biz Tip Provided by DailyBlogTips
Written by Daniel Scocco