Windows 10 Need-to-Know Privacy Specifics

Posted: August 11, 2015
[caption id="attachment_12410" align="alignright" width="393"] Image from techrepublic.com[/caption] Windows 10 has been a relatively positive upgrade experience for users who have taken the plunge. However, there are some important privacy settings that need to be manually adjusted. Windows 10 users should take the time to learn about these important privacy and data sharing specifics. James Sanders, writer for Tech Republic, shares important privacy specifics that Windows 10 users need to know.

Windows 10: Privacy and data sharing specifics you need to know

The release of Windows 10 is an important transition for Microsoft, as the service model of Windows is changing from a finished product to a rapidly evolving software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. These changes include tighter integration with previously separate Microsoft services, and the inclusion of the Cortana virtual assistant. This integration also brings monetization opportunities for Microsoft, including monthly subscriptions for additional storage on OneDrive, advertising delivered with Bing searches from the desktop, a 30% cut from app sales on the Windows Store, and advertisements inserted in preinstalled apps, such as the MSN and Xbox content apps, and in the Solitare app. Many of these features depend on transmitting personal information to Microsoft. Windows 10 does not presently have a unified "do not share" switch — many of the options are scattered around various menus. Additionally, the sharing of some information about your computer, and previously configurable options regarding some system behaviors are now compulsory. Read the entire article Windows 10: Privacy and Data Sharing Specifics You Need to Know on Tech Republic.