Why Your Photos Should be Organized

Posted: March 31, 2014

Organized photos are much easier to find than those that aren't. Ease of access is just one of the many benefits that comes from taking time to tame photo chaos. Learn other benefits that can be reaped when photo collections are organzied.

Organized photos are much easier to find than those that aren't. Ease of access is just one of the many benefits that comes from taking time to tame photo chaos. Learn other benefits that can be reaped when photo collections are organzied.

Matt Dutile, writer at Digital Photography School, shares why it's essential to organize your photos.

8 Reasons You Should Organize Your Photo Collection

Editing and organizing our websites, print portfolios, business collateral and promotional material is something every professional photographer does at least once if not several times a year. It allows us to present the best possible vision of our work to our clients.

After a build-up of new work it was time for me to edit my portfolio as well. I’ve spent the last several weeks working on a vigorous edit in preparation for a large annual marketing and meeting push – and it occurred to me this would make a good post for dPS. While the purpose of my organizational edit is for business reasons, you don’t need to be a professional photographer to benefit from a good organization of your images. Every level of photographer will find something valuable in it.

Read the entire article 8 Reasons You Should Organize Your Photo Collection on Digital Photopgraphy School.