[caption id="attachment_10162" align="alignright" width="400"]© N-Media-Images - Fotolia.com[/caption]Jeremy Shoemaker, one of the speakers at the 2012 POMA Business Conference in Tunica, Miss., has great information on many topics on his blog, shoemoney.com. In this post, one of his guest posters - Justin Goff - has some compelling reasons why you should market your own products, rather than simply being an affiliate for someone elses product.
[caption id="attachment_10162" align="alignright" width="400"]© N-Media-Images - Fotolia.com[/caption]Jeremy Shoemaker, one of the speakers at the 2012 POMA Business Conference in Tunica, Miss., has great information on many topics on his blog, shoemoney.com. In this post, one of his guest posters - Justin Goff - has some compelling reasons why you should market your own products, rather than simply being an affiliate for someone elses product.
I’ve made a living as a product owner and an affiliate for the past 5 years. Now, one of the easiest ways to make money online is to be an affiliate for another product.
And while I recommend being an affiliate marketer to a lot of new people, once you know what you are doing you should really be making your own products.
Whether your product is something like a DVD, a vitamin supplement or even something common like phone chargers – having your own product gives you SO much more control over what you are doing. Along with that, there’s a few BIG reasons to have your own product.
1. Your affiliates build your email list
When you have affiliates that make sales for you, you’re collecting a buyer’s email address everytime they make a sale. This is the KEY to having a long term business online. Once you have a customer, you can make new products to sell to them, and continually market new stuff to your list.
2. You have a “backend” for every sale you make
Every sale you make as an affiliate is usually a 1 time payment for you if you’re an affiliate. But when you actually own the product, you can make the same sale and then you can also make more money on the backend since you have a new customer. This allows you to spend more money on advertising, which can get you even more customers.
3. Affiliate marketing without a list is NOT a business
If you have NO email list or no way to contact people who have bought products through your affiliate links, then you really don’t have any REAL assets in your business.
People who have emails, physical addresses, Facebook fan pages etc… all have real assets that allow them to continually market to the people who buy their products.
If you’re just starting out, affiliate marketing is a great way to get started. But once you understand what you’re doing, I would definitely look into making your own product.
This is the best way to build yourself a real business that will last.
- Justin
Biz Tip Provided by shoemoney.com
Posted by Justin Goff