Why it is Important to Perform a Content Audit

Posted: January 03, 2017
[caption id="attachment_12955" align="alignright" width="304"]ThinkstockPhotos-506147556-568616-edited.jpg Image from blog.hubspot.com[/caption] Content marketing is utilized by almost every company out there, in many different forms. However, while the quantity of content may seem important, the quality of content actually can play a bigger role. What good is it doing you to have a ton of content, if very little is ever seen? The right type of content is much more important than the amount you have. A content audit can help determine what attracts more readers. Jonathan Franchell, writer for Hubspot, shares why a content audit may be needed.

Why Your Company Might Need a Content Audit

Content is used as a valuable marketing tool across all industries. From social media content to long-form evergreen content, marketers constantly write to build awareness and nurture relationships. While the goal of content marketing is clear, many companies forget to track what type of content is actually working. Even powerhouse Microsoft fell into that habit. At one point the Microsoft.com website had 10 million pages of content but 3 million of them had never been visited. By removing unnecessary and irrelevant content, Microsoft made its customers much happier and learned what type of content works in attracting consumers. And all of that happened by conducting a content audit. 5 Reasons for a Content Audit There are a variety of reasons that a company might need a content audit. Here are some of the problems that plague companies because of the lack of a content audit.   Read the entire article Why Your Company Might Need a Content Audit on Hubspot.