Why Brands Need a Social Media Strategy

Posted: June 19, 2018
Samuel Birnie, writer for Social Media Today, shares why you need a social media strategy.

7 Advantages of Having a Social Media Strategy

Everyone knows that social media marketing is important in modern business - it’s rare to find a company that doesn’t see the value in posting on at least the key social channels. But even so, brands often underrate its power. They set up their account to tick the ‘social media marketing’ box, then they go about posting impulsively, or not at all. For your social media efforts to be worthwhile, you need a strategy - here are seven reasons why.

1. It creates direction

Without a strategy, you’re shooting from the hip. There may be some kind of loose plan involved – you vaguely know in which direction you’re aiming – but there’s no precision, no overarching pattern. You wouldn’t conduct any other part of your marketing this way, so why do it with social media? It’s probably the ‘social’ bit. People underestimate the strategy required to make social media work, so they just throw stuff out there and hope it sticks. But your social channels are valuable assets that should have a defined place in your marketing plan. Read the entire article 7 Advantages of Having a Social Media Strategy on Social Media Today.