Why (and How) to Backup Images

Posted: April 02, 2019
[caption id="attachment_167082" align="alignright" width="430"] Image: Digital Photography School[/caption] There is no better insurance policy for your images (and other important files) than a backup. It's a no-brainer to think of protecting our home, car, health, life, etc., but how seriously do you take a plan to ensure your images are protected? Nobody wants to think that a disaster can happen to them, or they may think their current plan is adequate, but the reality is that you never know when tragedy can strike and you might find that your protection level wasn't what it needed to be. Taking steps now to create a good backup plan for your images can save you stress in the event of an unfortunate event. Ian Johnson, photographer and contributor to Digital Photograpy School, helps you create a plan to ensure your images are protected in the event of a disasterous situation.

Create a Backup Today! Here is Why and How

Insurance policies. We deal in them every day – car, home, life, renters, medical and more. The list goes on and on, but what are you doing to ensure your photos are insured against loss? The loss comes in many ways entirely out of your control – hardware failure, theft, or calamity. This article is your wake up call to consistently backup your work. I am writing it because 5 months ago when my house burned I had my wake-up call. Don’t worry, my wife and I are fine, and there was no loss of life – only property. Why am I telling you this very personal bit of my life? Simple. Catastrophe can come in any form and at any time. Learn from my mistakes and back up as soon as you complete this article. Let me take you back to six months ago because it is likely my backup strategy may reflect your own. I am a pretty serious photographer and create much content of professional and family-related photos. I had a 24tb server backing up my files with redundancy. From the server, I kept an off-site backup of files by copying to a hard drive and then storing it. As I’ll highlight later, that way of doing a backup is adequate as long as you stay up on it. Read the entire article, Create a Backup Today! Here is Why and How, on Digital Photography School.