Why and How David Hale Uses Motion-Sensor Cameras to Hunt Deer

Posted: December 18, 2012

You know that there's a monster buck on your property, or the place where you love to hunt. You just know there is.....right? You can make use of technology to know if the deer of your dreams really exists where you think it does, or if you're just plain dreaming.

You know that there's a monster buck on your property, or the place where you love to hunt. You just know there is.....right? You can make use of technology to know if the deer of your dreams really exists where you think it does, or if you're just plain dreaming.

[caption id="attachment_11060" align="alignright" width="150"]Click for Larger Viewimage NIght Hawk Publications[/caption]Editor’s Note: David Hale, co-founder of Knight and Hale Game Calls in Cadiz, Kentucky, also co-produces the “Ultimate Hunting” TV show. Each year he travels the country doing TV shows and videos for Commonwealth Productions. When Hale and his partner Harold Knight go hunting, they have to produce animals for TV and video, and they use motion-sensor cameras to accomplish this task. As Hale explains, “We’ve been using motion-sensor cameras ever since they first came to the market.”

David Hale has used motion-sensor cameras for years, because he says, “I felt it was a good way to inventory the animals I had on my property. I’ve found that many hunters spend hundreds and maybe thousands of hours hunting trophy bucks that don’t exist on their properties. So, I’ve learned that by using motion-sensor cameras, I can determine if a piece of property has the size of buck that I want to hunt before I ever hunt that land.”

When Hale and Knight film their TV show, they only have 2 to 7 days to take a trophy buck. They utilize motion-sensor cameras to locate and harvest that buck within this short time.

Read the entire article Why and How David Hale Uses Motion-Sensor Cameras to Hunt Deer, at Night Hawk Publications.

Biz Tip Provided by John E. Phillips, Freelance Writer & Photographer