Which Smartphone Should You Buy? Great Question.

Posted: December 13, 2010

[caption id="attachment_8086" align="alignright"]Google's Android System[/caption]Rob Pegoraro, technology writer for the Washington Post unravels the maze of smartphones, operating systems and services. Shop smart, get what you need and use the technology to run your business.

[caption id="attachment_8086" align="alignright"]Google's Android System[/caption]Rob Pegoraro, technology writer for the Washington Post unravels the maze of smartphones, operating systems and services. Shop smart, get what you need and use the technology to run your business.

The right way to shop for a smartphone is to pick a carrier with coverage and a price plan that fits your needs first. But if you're going to choose a smartphone first, you should start by picking its operating system.

This is the phone industry's version of the old "Mac or Windows?" query, but in this case you've got five contenders in the United States: Apple's iOS, the software in the iPhone; Google's Android; Microsoft's Windows Phone 7; Research in Motion's BlackBerry; and HP's webOS.


Carrier coverage, price plan and operating system are key to buying smartphones

Smartphone operating systems explained