What’s Your Company’s PR Damage Control Plan?

Posted: June 17, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11384" align="alignright"]© bonninturina - Fotolia.com[/caption]In today’s digital landscape, public relations nightmares can permanently scar your company.  Are you ready to protect your company’s reputation in case of an emergency, viral attack? Having a crisis communications plan is a must in business today. BiteSizePR.com offers eight tips for preparing a crisis public relations plan. Plan ahead so you don’t lose your head in a PR nightmare.
[caption id="attachment_11384" align="alignright"]© bonninturina - Fotolia.com[/caption]In today’s digital landscape, public relations nightmares can permanently scar your company.  Are you ready to protect your company’s reputation in case of an emergency, viral attack? Having a crisis communications plan is a must in business today. BiteSizePR.com offers eight tips for preparing a crisis public relations plan. Plan ahead so you don’t lose your head in a PR nightmare.

Crisis communication is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation. – Wikipedia

Crisis communication is a core component of public relations, though not the prettiest part of it.  Hopefully most of your business’s PR efforts are focused on promoting your company and building positive press.  But mistakes do happen.  And when they do, it’s imperative for a business to have a PR damage control plan in place, so that they can execute it swiftly and protect their company’s reputation.

The upside is that handling a PR crisis with aplomb can actually improve your company’s reputation.  Here we outline PR Damage Control best practices, as well as helpful tips for building your company’s own crisis communication policy.

Read entire article What’s Your Company’s PR Damage Control Plan? on Bite Size PR