What's the Ideal Length for a YouTube Marketing Video?

Posted: August 06, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11478" align="alignright" width="200"]Whats the Ideal Length for a YouTube Marketing Video? A look into Video Duration vs. Social SharingImgage from reelseo.com[/caption]What are the effective lengths of Youtube marketing videos? There is a constant debate on the most effective lengths for videos however, Reelseo.com breaks down YouTube video length statistics with the highest share-ability rates. Statistics don’t lie. Take these statistics into consideration when creating your next  video to maximize success.
[caption id="attachment_11478" align="alignright" width="200"]Whats the Ideal Length for a YouTube Marketing Video? A look into Video Duration vs. Social SharingImgage from reelseo.com[/caption]What are the effective lengths of Youtube marketing videos? There is a constant debate on the most effective lengths for videos however, Reelseo.com breaks down YouTube video length statistics with the highest share-ability rates. Statistics don’t lie. Take these statistics into consideration when creating your next  video to maximize success.

David Waterhouse, the Head of Content for Unruly Media, has just compiled some interesting stats on the average length of the ads in the Top Global Video Ads Chart. It ranks brands’ social videos worldwide based on the amount of times content has been shared on Facebook, Twitter and in the blogosphere.

The data is pretty interesting.

Average Video Length for Top 50 Most Shared Global Video Ads:

    Top 10 - 4 minutes 11 seconds (2,513 total seconds - does not include “Kony 2012”)
    11-20 - 2 minutes 30 seconds (1,501 total seconds)
    21-30 - 3 minutes 5 seconds (1,849 total seconds)

Read entire article What's the Ideal Length for a YouTube Marketing Video? on Reelso