Imagine that a company could use the Web to rate your health, your employability—even your dating appeal. Welcome to the credit score of the future.
Imagine that a company could use the Web to rate your health, your employability—even your dating appeal. Welcome to the credit score of the future.
The global web serves as a cumulative ranking for every aspect of your life. It is very possible for a company to rate your health and employability, along with many other personal characteristics by simply using the web. Imagine what affects this could have when applying for jobs, loans, or insurance.
The fact is, that whatever you do online could be added to your “online resume.”
Read Jessica Bennett's complete article in Newsweek.
Biz Tip Source: Newsweek
Jessica Bennett is a senior writer covering society, youth culture and gender, producing special reports, multimedia packages and commentary. You can find her on Twitter.