If you're a Twitter user or you're going to join the social media platform, hashtags are a must-understand element. The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet.
If you're a Twitter user or you're going to join the social media platform, hashtags are a must-understand element. The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. Here's what else Twitter teachs about hashtags, how to use them and why they're important.
Note that #huntfishnews is a POMA hash tag that the organization (POMA_HQ) uses in Tweets. We encourage you to use #huntfishnews too, whenever you Tweet outdoor industry news - product metnions, a promotion, awards that were presented or the launch of a new TV show or book - on Twitter. POMA also uses #pomaconf, when Tweeting about POMA's annual business conferences.
Example: In the image here, you'll see POMA_HQ adds the hashtag before the word huntfishnews in its messages. The word is now a link to search results for all Tweets containing "#huntfishnews" in the message.