What Pictures are Legal to Use on Internet Articles

Posted: May 08, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11329" align="alignright"]© eldeiv - Fotolia.com[/caption]Pictures are everywhere. If you do any type of publishing on the internet, you more than likely are going to use some type of picture to go along the article that you are publishing. Did you know that the image you used may not be legal for you to use?
[caption id="attachment_11329" align="alignright"]© eldeiv - Fotolia.com[/caption]Pictures are everywhere. If you do any type of publishing on the internet, you more than likely are going to use some type of picture to go along the article that you are publishing. Did you know that the image you used may not be legal for you to use?

To start off I must say that 95% of the images you might find on Google Images, or Bing Images, are not legal to use on Internet articles.

You should always assume that any picture you see is copyright owned by the photographer unless you see otherwise.

In some cases a photographer might imbed a copyright symbol onto their picture, the copyright symbol looks like ©, however even images that do not have this symbol are not necessarily safe to use. 

Images found on Google Images and Bing images are usually only legal to use by kids in school reports and such; places where money is not earned for writing, but on sites such as FullofKnowledge, ExpertsPages, and even your own blog, these pictures cannot be used.

You can use your own pictures, of course, and note that I usually use my own images, but sometimes you might be writing on a topic where you do not have a photograph to use.  As such you need to find a place that offers copyright free images that are release for use on the creative commons for commercial purposes.  Commercial purposes means where you are paid.

Read entire article What Pictures are Legal to Use on Internet Articles on Full of Knowledge

Biz Tip provided by Tony Bynum, owner Tony Bynum Photography