Website Speed is Important

Posted: July 26, 2016

Search bar on virtual screenSlow loading is one big reason customers or readers will abandon a website that they've visited. Speed doesn't just affect the end-user experience, it can affect Google rankings and much more. Website speed does matter, and you should optimize your site to ensure it's as fast as possible.

Mark Zeni, writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares why website speed is so important. 5 Reasons Why Website Speed Matters Speed kills. But in the case of websites, speed is essential for success—it’s the lack of speed that will kill your website. The faster your site loads, the greater is the probability that you will be able to attract and engage more users. For a blog, speed will also determine whether users will stay on to read more, or if they will simply navigate elsewhere. When it comes to website loading, virtually every second counts. 47 percent of users expect a website to load within 2 seconds. And 40 percent of your potential users will typically abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. For businesses, bloggers, publishers and webmasters, this means that every second you can trim from your website’s loading time translates to precious traffic and conversions. On the other hand, every additional second can lead to erosion of users over time and a decline in search ranking. Read the entire article 5 Reasons Why Website Speed Matters on Daily Blog Tips.