Website Content Definitely Matters

Posted: February 28, 2017
Gone are the days when website content contained keywords, but didn't necessarily make a lot of sense. The Google Panda update has made websites with poor content obsolete. Combining great content with SEO is a winning strategy. Engaging, original content is always going to stand out, and when combined with other methods, can keep your content creative and effective. Mark Zeni, editor of DailyBlogTips, provides tips for creating killer content for the Web.

Tips for Creating Killer Website Content

There was a time when website developers were happy to post illiterate content on a website. As long as the content was packed full of relevant keywords, it didn’t matter whether anyone wanted to read it. This strategy was called keyword stuffing and was a popular way of ‘gaming the system’. Unfortunately, this technique no longer works. Google’s Panda update killed off thousands of websites with poor content. The minimum you can have is decent search engine optimization and engaging website content that your visitors will love. Of course, website content isn’t the only factor, but it is pretty important, so you would be wise to listen to your SEO advisor. So, what makes great website content? Let’s find out. Original It should go without saying that all website content needs to be original. If you write your own content, this shouldn’t be an issue, but if you outsource your content writing to a freelancer, always use a plagiarism checker before you upload it to your site. Plagiarised content hurts your site and you really don’t want to be the subject of a DMCA takedown notice. Read the entire article Tips for Creating Killer Website Content at DailyBlogTips.