Use the Four D's of Productivity

Posted: February 02, 2016


Everyday productivity isn't always something many of us excel at today. There are tons of articles geared toward helping us be more productive, and maybe you've tried (and failed at) some of the methods. These four D's of productivity are worth checking out, and implementing.

Mike Renahan, writer for Hubspot, shares the four D's of productivity.

The 4 D's of Productivity, and How to Use Them

According to the OECD Better Life Index, the United States ranks ninth from the bottom among advanced nations in the category of "work-life balance.” That study is part of the reason we’re seeing more articles published on the topic of productivity. Each aims to answer the burning question we’re all asking: How do we get more done in less time? And while there are a multitude of strategies to help us reach max productivity, they can be difficult to adopt because the techniques go against the routines we’ve had for years. If you’ve struggled with habit-changing tips like waking up early, not breaking the chain, or regular exercise, you might want to check out the four D's of productivity:
  • Do
  • Delegate
  • Delete
  • Delay
The four D’s of productivity are effective because practitioners don’t need to change a habit, but instead embrace a new system. The four D’s work whether you’re an early riser or a night owl. There are no biases to this system -- and you don’t even have to wait 66 days for it to become ingrained as part of your routine. Here’s how the four D’s system works: 1) Do If a task arrives on your plate and is both important and can only be done by you, deal with it immediately. Read the entire article The 4 D's of Productivity and How to Use Them on Hubspot.