Use Photoshop Like a Pro

Posted: June 15, 2015
[caption id="attachment_12339" align="alignright" width="364"]adobe photoshop logo Image from pcworld.com[/caption] Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular photo editing programs available. However, with all of the different tools and effects than can be applied to photos, learning everything can be a challenge. These tips can help anyone learn the basics of Photoshop, so they can edit photos like a pro. JD Sartain, writer for PC World, shares tips on using Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop essentials: How to crop, resize, and edit photos like a pro

Adobe Photoshop's deep trove of features lets you manipulate every aspect of even basic editing tasks, such as cropping and resizing images. For example, you can edit an amateur snapshot of an executive and transform it into a professional-looking image for corporate documents or a website. Just follow these easy, step-by-step instructions. Note: This exercise uses the Move tool, Marquee selection tool, Polygonal Lasso selection tool, Magic Wand selection tool, and Zoom. 1. Open Photoshop and select File > Open. Browse to the Pictures folder, click the image to select it, then click the Open button. 2. First, check the image size. Select Image > Image Size. The Image Size dialog box is divided into two sections: Pixel Dimensions, which shows the width and height of the image in pixels, plus the file size (for the Internet); and Document Size, which is used to size images for printing. Read the entire article Adobe Photoshop Essentials: How to Crop, Resize, and Edit Photos Like a Pro on PC World.