Unused Social Media Marketing Tools

Posted: July 14, 2014

7 Social Media Marketing Tools You’ve Never UsedThere is a plethora of available social media tools. From Facebook to YouTube, the ability to market through social media has endless opportunities. Among the most commonly known social media outlets, there are a few that aren't as popular, but are just as effective.

7 Social Media Marketing Tools You’ve Never UsedThere is a plethora of available social media tools. From Facebook to YouTube, the ability to market through social media has endless opportunities. Among the most commonly known social media outlets, there are a few that aren't as popular, but are just as effective.

Warren Knight, writer for Social Media Today, shares some social media tools that may have been overlooked.

7 Social Media Marketing Tools You’ve Never Used

With so many social media tools readily available to us, it can be difficult to keep up. Social media is constantly evolving and because of this, great tools can be easily missed. There are tools that I use on a daily basis to help with my social media marketing but there are some that I come across which I didn’t even know existed. Here are 7 social media marketing tools you probably haven’t come across, until now.

1. Brand24

A relatively new tool that allows you to monitor all online activity based on a searchable keyword. Brand24 is a more in-depth alternative to the countless free monitor tools and has been used by the likes of Ikea and Panasonic. Definitely worth the free trial.

Read the entire article 7 Social Media Marketing Tools You’ve Never Used on Social Media Today.