Wi-Fi is arguably one of the best technological advances over the past several years. It gives users the freedom to use the internet almost anywhere. However, when the Wi-Fi signal goes down, do you know what to do? Ian Paul, writer for PC World, shares what to do when your wi-fi signal disappears.
Wi-Fi triage: 5 common solutions to your wireless woes
Wi-Fi is the most wonderful home convenience—except for when it isn’t. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a mental checklist on hand for common issues that might be causing the problem when your Wi-Fi checks out.
Everybody has their own favorite way of handling Wi-Fi problems, but here’s mine.
Reboot your router
The simplest reason is often the most likely cause of problems. If your router’s lights are not displayed in the usual order, turn off your router, wait five to fifteen seconds, and turn it back on again. Are all those cables secured properly?
This is also a good time to ensure that all your cables are connected correctly. As an alternative to simply switching the router on and off, first try disconnecting it from the power source. Now take out the cord that feeds into your router from the wall to deliver your Internet connection, such as a TV cable, ethernet cable, or telephone cord. Wait a few seconds and power the router on. Then wait another five seconds or so before connecting the Internet cable to your router again.
Read the entire article Wi-Fi Triage: 5 Common Solutions to Your Wireless Woes on PC World.