Top Ten Reasons for Blurry Photos
Posted: November 19, 2014
When taking important pictures, having a blurry photo as the result can be devastating. If blurry photos keep making an appearance when you shoot, all hope is not lost. Avoid making these ten mistakes to lessen the chance of having blurry photos.
Anne McKinnell, writer for Digital Photography School, shares mistakes to avoid to have non-blurry photos.
Top 10 Mistakes that Cause Blurry Photos
If your photos are not sharp, you are not alone! The most common question I get asked by beginning photographers is “how do you get your images so sharp?”
Blurry photos is very common issue with a whole plethora of possible culprits, making it very difficult to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. But if you go through this list of the top 10 mistakes that cause blurry photos, you will probably find the answer that works for you.
1. Your shutter speed is too slow
This is the #1 culprit of blurry photos. You might think you can hold perfectly still for half a second, but I assure you there are very few people in the world who can. When hand-holding your camera, remember this rule of thumb to avoid blur caused by camera shake – your shutter speed should be the reciprocal of your lens’ focal length – that is, if you’re using a 60mm lens, your exposure should be 1/60th of a second or faster. With a 200mm lens, use at least 1/200th of a second, and so on. Camera shake is magnified the longer your telephoto length, so wider angle lenses will suffer its effects much less.
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Top 10 Mistakes that Cause Blurry Photos on
Digital Photography School.