Top Challenges of Being a Freelancer

Posted: September 17, 2019
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="424"] Image: Dumb Little Man[/caption] Ahhhh, the life of a freelancer - no set working hours, choosing what assignments to accept, working from any location. Sounds great, doesn't it? Unfortunately, that's not quite the entire picture. There are many perks to being a freelancer, but there are also some challenges. If you're currently freelancing and haven't run into them yet or if you're just diving in, knowing potential obstacles, and how to overcome them, can help you weather the storms. Sahail Ashraf, contributor to Dumb Little Man, shares the four most common challenges freelancers face, and how to deal with them.

4 Biggest Challenges of Being A Freelancer (And How To Deal With Them)

You may be a freelancer right now or you may be considering entering the world of freelancing. Either way, the challenges of being a freelancer outlined below are real and they affect every freelancer at some point in their journey. If you’re yet to experience this set of nightmares, this should prepare you. If you’re riding through Freelancing Hell right now, maybe the following points will help you get out alive.

You will need to learn how to chase money

If you’ve come into freelancing from a real job, then you’ll understand how easy it is to rely upon accounts departments and payroll to make sure you eat every day. It’s what they do and they exist for that purpose. Businesses know that getting paid is fundamental to the life of any business. So, they employ accountants and debt collectors. Read the entire article, 4 Biggest Challenges of Being A Freelancer (And How To Deal With Them), on Dumb Little Man.