Top 7 Misconceptions Bloggers Have About Social Media

Posted: February 18, 2013

In today's day and age, there are many misconceptions that bloggers may have about social media. Now some of the more common misconceptions are [caption id="attachment_11198" align="alignright" width="346"]© Kirill_M - Fotolia.com[/caption]cleared up.

In today's day and age, there are many misconceptions that bloggers may have about social media. Now some of the more common misconceptions are [caption id="attachment_11198" align="alignright" width="346"]© Kirill_M - Fotolia.com[/caption]cleared up.

When many bloggers hop on the social media wagon, they fall prey to numerous, widespread untruths on what works or what doesn’t. The result? Not only does their social media fail, but it actually turns readers off – sometimes for good.

The trick to good social media for blogging is not to bury readers in tweets or Facebook posts, but develop a reliable, targeted strategy that saves time and maximizes return. To get you started, here are the top seven social media and blogging myths and why they don’t work:

1. Get on social media on Monday, get huge readership on Tuesday

There is no such thing as instant success on social media unless you are blessed by the same paradoxical muse deities as Justin Bieber. Social networking is a prerequisite for all legitimate bloggers but it has to be seen as a long-term commitment, not a way to make an immediate splash. Like everything else worth doing this takes time, so be patient and keep plugging.

2. Work around the clock to bury your followers in content

When some bloggers first establish a social media presence they have a tendency to hit the Jolt Cola and stay up nights working on placing a massive amount of content up on their pages. This effort is rarely rewarded as it’s preferable to start with a relatively minimalist page and then build content organically as you draw in more followers.

Read entire article Top 7 Misconceptions Bloggers Have About Social Media at Daily Blog Tips