12 Tools That'll Keep You Productive Morning, Noon & Night
When I need to have a very productive day, I tell myself it's going to be easy.I'll just wake up early, grab a big cup of coffee, and then begin powering through my to-do list. Maybe I'll break for a meal, or a stretch, or a quick conversation with a coworker. But I'll truck on, energy unwavering until bedtime, where I'll promptly fall asleep for eight, wonderful, uninterrupted hours of sleep. Cool fantasy, self. Real life rarely (if ever) is that picture-perfect. Our bodies aren't designed to operate at a constant 100% efficiency level.So if you want to be more productive throughout the day, you're better off relegating certain activities to certain times, and devoting yourself to doing those activities at those times.And to make sure you get the right things done at the right times of day, you can lean on a plethora of different free or relatively cheap apps and tools. (After all, some things are better together.)Below, I've collected some of the highest-rated and often-recommended productivity apps for each part of the day. Check 'em out, and find your "and."
Read the entire article 12 Tools That'll Keep You Productive Morning, Noon and Night on Hubspot.