Stop being afraid, with these simple tools, you can easily create e-books in half the time.
You've got the content on hand to create an amazing e-book. Actually starting the process may terrify you.Stop being afraid, with these simple tools, you can easily create e-books in half the time.
You've got the content on hand to create an amazing e-book. Actually starting the process may terrify you.The first time I had to write an ebook, I was scared -- really scared. Sure, I had been writing blog posts every single day for the better part of a few months, but actually sitting down to write and design a multiple-page, downloadable ebook was frightening. Would I have enough content? Would my design look like I used Microsoft Paint? Would my boss like the ebook? Would the results from the ebook actually pay off the time I invested in it?
Yup, I was terrified ... but there really was no reason to be. I'm going to let you in on a secret here: You are not the first person in the world who has ever needed to create an ebook. In fact, there are lots of resources and templates available to you to help you cut down on the time, effort, and budget you're going to put into your ebook.
The problem? These resources and templates are scattered all over the internet, so the time you're saving on the content creation is used up in finding them. To make sure that your ebook creation is as painless as possible, we decided to compile these resources all in this blog post. You should have no problem creating an ebook after checking out all of these templates, blog posts, and free resources.
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