To-Do Lists Might Not Be the Best Choice for Time Management

Posted: November 10, 2020
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="437"] Image: Dumb Little Man[/caption] Time management is crucial to being productive and anyone who has tried to be better at it has most likely relied on to-do lists. Unfortunately, to-do lists don't seem to be the magic wand for successful long-term time management. There are several different options to get away from lists, remain productive and make the most of your time. Whether you choose time boxing or prioritization, trying a different method of managing time just may be the trick to keep you on track. Filippo di Lenardo, contributor to Dumb Little Man, shares to-do list alternatives that can help you manage your time better.

Why TO-DO Lists Are Bad For Time Management And What To Do Instead

Being able to manage our time effectively is without a doubt one of the best “superpowers” we can possess. In fact, according to a recent study by IBM surveying over 2 million professionals, it was identified as the second most important skill to master in this new era of work. Let’s be clear, time management is no easy task. However, I believe the main problem behind our poor relationship with it is our inability to look at it more holistically. We often consider it as a linear and isolated variable and, when in fact, there are at least two other factors profoundly impacting it the way we manage it: ourselves and unpredictability. As we’ve all had the chance to experience directly, our mental and emotional states decide whether we’ll succeed in our best intentions or fall short in them. Moreover, while we’d love life events to be always straightforward, the reality is most times they’re not. As a result, what’s needed to develop greater time management is mental and emotional agility. Curious to know what the number 1 skill in the IBM study was? Adaptability to change! Read the entire article, Why TO-DO Lists Are Bad For Time Management And What To Do Instead, on Dumb Little Man.