Tips to Work Remotely

Posted: October 15, 2019
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="446"] Image: Dumb Little Man[/caption] Working from home definitely has its perks but can have its drawbacks, too. Distractions are much easier to avoid when working in an office than they are at home. On the flip side, it can be easy to end up working too much. Having a plan in place to deal with both those scenarios can help you avoid the negative impact either one can have on your productivity. These tips will help get you set up for remote working success. Jitin Kanwar, contributor to Dumb Little Man, shares eight great tips for working remotely.

8 Really Awesome Tips For Working Remotely

So, you work from home and enjoy all the perks that come along with it. Or do you? Surely, the pleasure of working in your pajamas is second to none. You may also find that having six tabs opened concurrently — and most likely unrelated to your job — on your computer screen without a boss looking over your shoulder is quite amusing. But let’s get real! The emergency call from your friend in a tizzy about a recent breakup can wait. Diversions can be ignored with no sweat when working in a traditional office. But at home, they’re simply too tempting to ignore. This article will rundown 8 tips to for working remotely so you can keep distractions at bay during your at-home working hours.

Set Up Working Hours

This may seem like an easy undertaking, but unless you have the discipline of a saint, it’s going to take considerable effort to set up working hours and stick to them. If the time you’ve set aside to work is a free-for-all, there’s nothing to stop you from adding non-work related chores. Like cleaning the fridge, perhaps? The idea of working from home means being free from the 9-to-5 grind, right? Well, not really. You’re definitely going to have to grind, but under your own terms. Setting up “office hours” and having the discipline to “stick to them” will make you more productive and able to concentrate better. If you become distracted, ask yourself, “Would I be doing this if I was working in a traditional office setting?” The answer is probably no! Read the entire article, 8 Really Awesome Tips For Working Remotely, on Dumb Little Man.