Tips to Keep a Business Independent

Posted: March 20, 2018
No matter the type of business, it's usually only a matter of time before there's a need for collaboration - whether it be short-term or long-term. While there are many benefits to collaboration, there can also be times that you just may not see eye-to-eye with others when it comes to the direction of your business. Before making a permanent decision to enter a partnership, or if you find yourself in one that's not working out, review these three tips to help make the right choice. Mark Zeni, contributor to Daily Blog Tips, shares tips to help you keep your business independent. It does matter what your business is: whether it is a store, a performance, or your own blog. There is a need to collaborate. Collaborations come in many forms with varying lengths of time. It can be a one-time gig or a business partnership that may last a lifetime. It is easy to identify the benefits of collaboration. The risk and responsibility are divided among the members. This also means that money should not be an issue, with more people contributing it makes capital easy to accumulate. The difficulty with collaborations is when people don’t see eye to eye. You want to expand your business, but they want to play it safe. You want to stay original, but they want to follow trends. The farther into these partnerships you go, the more you realize that the first vision you both agreed on drifts away. The issues are not only on the level of creative differences. The cracks may appear at a management level. In an ideal world, work will be split 50-50, playing to each of your strengths. What are the odds of you being perfect complements of each other? You might take up more of the work, or the kinds of jobs might not be properly split. It is difficult to properly measure equal distribution. These warnings stand if you are thinking about getting into a partnership. What do you do when you already find yourself trapped? Here are 3 things you can do to stay independent, or bad business partnership solutions. 1. Prevention is better than cure. Read the entire article 3 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Business Independent on Daily Blog Tips.