Tips Help Overwhelmed Freelancers Manage Time

Posted: June 04, 2016
[caption id="attachment_12733" align="alignright" width="255"]Time management tips Image from thewritelife.com[/caption] Freelancers often create more than one type of content, and can have several projects to work on at one time. Whether it's multiple projects or a few that require large amounts of attention, it can become overwhelming trying to handle everything. Proper time management can help productivity and ensure you stay on track. Peggy Carouthers, writer for The Write Life, shares time management tips for freelancers who are overwhelmed.

6 Time-Management Tips for Overwhelmed Freelance Writers

Whether you’re a freelancer, a creative writer, or even both, chances are you’ll have to manage multiple writing projects at once. With several different types of projects, or several large ones all requiring a lot of attention, it can be hard to manage the workload among them all. Here are some tips for handling several projects at once. 1. Make a schedule The most important thing you can do to stay on top of your projects is to keep track of your deadlines. But when you’re managing multiple projects, keeping track of deadlines isn’t enough. Make sure you also set yourself deadlines for each step of the project along the way, like interviews and research, to you ensure you aren’t trying to finish it all the same day a project is due. Read the entire article 6 Time-Management Tips for Overwhelmed Freelance Writers on The Write Life.