Tips for Resume Writing

Posted: June 01, 2015
Writing a resume is something that most people don't enjoy doing. It needs to be attention-grabbing and make you stand out in a crowd. With all of the details that need included, and checking those over and over again, the process can be frustrating. These tips can help make resume writing a little easier. Corey Eridon, writer for Hubspot, shares some resume writing tips to help make it easier to write a resume.

How to Write a Resume: The Ultimate Checklist of Resume Tips

I can't think of many tasks people dread more than writing a resume. There are so many little things you need to add, rephrase, check, double-check, triple-check ... and somehow, your resume still goes out with your name as Corey Ridon from HubStop. It's anxiety-inducing, is what it is. So, I did what I do when I'm anxious. I made a list about all the little stuff you need to do when you're writing and editing a resume. Check it out -- and best of luck with your job search. (P.S. If you're working on a marketing resume specifically, then use these free templates to get you started.) The Ultimate Checklist of Resume Tips I've divided all the must-do tasks into four sections, and did my best to order them chronologically. Some could probably exist in more than one section or be completed in a different order, so I just ordered items where I thought they most naturally fit during the resume-creation process. Read the entire article How to Write a Resume: The Ultimate Checklist of Resume Tips on Hubspot.