Tips for Making a Secure Password

Posted: August 11, 2014

password-pinHacking has been in the news all too frequently these days. Having a secure password is essential to avoid having hackers access personal data. Creating and remembering a secure password can be tricky. Learn how to create passwords that are secure, but also easy enough to remember.

password-pinHacking has been in the news all too frequently these days. Having a secure password is essential to avoid having hackers access personal data. Creating and remembering a secure password can be tricky. Learn how to create passwords that are secure, but also easy enough to remember.

Lindsay Kolowich, Staff Writer at HubSpot, shares how to create and remember your secure password.

How to Create Secure Passwords You Can Actually Remember

How many total passwords do you think you have? Five? Ten? Thirty? Now think: How many of the same passwords do you use for entirely different accounts?

That number might be equally as scary. But who could blame you -- from Frequent Flyer numbers to your brother-in-law's HBO GO account, you're probably overloaded with a few too many passwords.

You're not alone. According to a 2013 study by Ofcom, more than half (55%) of adult internet users admit they use the same password for most, if not all, websites.

Though it is easier to remember, using the same password for all of your accounts makes it incredibly easy for hackers to get into your accounts. And if that one password is too simple, it's even easier for other people to access your accounts. You can do better -- and we're here to help. Below are some tips for toughening up your password security.

Read the entire article How to Create Secure Passwords You Can Actually Remember on Hubspot.