Tips for Evaluating and Purchasing a Lens

Posted: June 27, 2017

Photographer taking a picture in sunset close upPhotographers know that a great lens can make a big difference in the quality of images. Buying a lens can be a bit overwhelming with all the different choices available. Most photographers operate on a tight budget, so plunking down a chunk of cash isn't something you want to do until you've done some homework. Finding the right lens for your own craft can be a challenge, but these tips will help guide you to making the right lens investment.

Adam Welch, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to evaluate and purchase a lens.

How to Evaluate and Purchase Your Next New Lens

It’s a day that comes for of us all at one time or another. You have to take the plunge…the big leap…go all in, take a chance. The decision can make or break you and your photography…or at least it can seem that way. It’s the day you invest in a brand new lens or one that’s new to you. Regardless, purchasing a fresh piece of glass can be confusing, frustrating, and painstaking. I’m here to tell you that we photographers who operate on limited funds (most of us) share in your anxiety when it comes to laying down what is usually a lot of money on something that we hope will improve our work and help us transcend to the next level.
How do you make the right choices? How do you choose the right lens to fit your particular needs? Well, there is both good and bad news for you. The bad news is that only you can finally determine the right lens to fit your own craft. The good news, though, is that there are many ways you can lessen the anguish of lens buying and make sure that you find the right investment. In this article, you will learn how to look beyond just the obvious when shopping around for that new lens, so that you can ensure you make an informed and hopefully less painful decision. Lens reviews can become confusing in their own right. While there are infinite considerations, following these guidelines will help to make more sense of all those lens reviews. Read the entire article How to Evaluate and Purchase Your Next Lens on Digital Photography School.