Tips for Developing a Company Mission

Posted: June 05, 2017

Businessman sitting with lightbulbs over his headA company mission is a written declaration of an organization's core purpose and focus. Coming up with a company mission that differentiates your company from the competitors can take some serious thinking. These are four key steps to follow when it comes time to develop a company mission.

Yvonne Lyons, writer for Social Media Today, shares the four key steps in creating a company mission statement.

4 Key Steps in Developing a Company Mission (and Why You Need to)

“What we do isn’t really that different than what our competitors do, and frankly they are just as good at it as we are.” We’ve kicked off planning engagements with more than one client who made a statement similar to this. Yes, it does take some thinking to truly figure out what differentiates you as a company and how you’re going to talk about it, but it’s a problem that's critical to solve. Why? Because once you've this figured out, you can approach all aspects of your business from the perspective of why you do business the way you do it, not just what you are doing. And once you understand the 'why', you can more easily rally your entire team around that belief - and that’s where business changes. The numbers show that, regardless of their business focus, companies that believe in what they sell and stand behind their beliefs perform better than those that are just… meh. Yes, smart business practices are involved, but it’s no coincidence that their culture is rooted in the idea that everyone cares about what happens to the company, its customers, and its employees, and that everyone believes in the common goal. Read the entire article 4 Key Steps in Developing a Company Mission (And Why You Need To) on Social Media Today.