Tips for Choosing a Blog Domain Name

Posted: December 05, 2017
Maddy Osman, writer for The Write Life, shares how to choose a domain name for a blog.

How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Blog

What’s in a (domain) name? Before you can search for and purchase your ideal internet vanity plate, you have to first decide on the combination of available letters, numbers and characters that will make it up. You may opt to focus on just one URL, or many, but before opening up that can of worms, let’s focus on picking just one perfect URL for your blog or business. If you’re buying one URL If you take nothing else away from this article, take this to heart: the best domain names are easy to type and easy to remember. Living in a constant state of content overload, with social media feeds that never end, inboxes that never stay at zero for long (if ever), and 80,000,000+ blogs published each month (and that’s just considering WordPress.com), it’s fair to assume that most users of the internet are a bit overwhelmed. Read the entire article How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Blog on The Write Life.