Time Saving Tips for Wordpress Bloggers

Posted: February 10, 2015

Save time keyboardBusy is an understatement when it comes to describing just about everyone today. On top of everything that piles up in life, maintaining a blog can seem impossible. When being busy interferes with your blogging, these seven time saving tips for Wordpress users are a must.

Abrar Mohi Shafee, CEO/Founder of Blogging Spell, shares seven useful and time saving tips to use in Wordpress.

7 Time-Saving Tips For The WordPress Bloggers

Are you so busy in these days? It has to be if you’re blogging part time. Job, family, friends, leisure, oh gosh! How can you blog in such short time? The answer is relatively “YES”. Blogging is not the matter of time; it is moreover tactical, skillful. 2-3 hours a day will be enough for you as a part time blogger. The only privilege, you need, is the ultimate use of possibilities. WordPress is the most popular blogging software, even our favorite. But it is a matter of great sorrow, most of the wordpress users don’t know or use the secret speeding features. That makes them feel “wordpress and blogging” are so time-consuming. Hey wait, busy bloggers need the following 7 lessons Today I’m going to share 7 shining lessons that will make you realize, “Yeah, I can also blog in no time”.
  1. Forget your mouse when writing, do everything with your keyboard
Do I sound crazy? Writing thoroughly without any distraction helps a lot. But how can you do such works like changing headings, inserting links, making bolds or italics without using a mouse? Read the entire article 7 Time-Saving Tips For The WordPress Bloggers on Daily Blog Tips.