TikTok's Newest Update Includes 10 Minute Videos

Posted: March 08, 2022
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="467"]TikTok 10 minute uploads Photo: Social Media Today[/caption] TikTok has always been known for its short video clips. But, as they've found out, monetization of short-form video isn't easy. The platform rolled out the option to create and upload five-minute videos last August. Now, in a recent announcement, it will allow users to create ten-minute videos. It remains to be seen whether longer videos will take off with its users or not, but it will make uploading ads and tutorials much easier for creators, and help with monetization opportunities. Andrew Hutchinson, Content and Social Media Manager for Social Media Today, shares everything there is to know about this latest update.

TikTok Confirms that 10 Minute Video Uploads are Coming to All Users

Short-form video is the trend of the moment, and with attention spans reducing, and new engagement behaviors taking hold, particularly among younger demographics, it seems like short-form interaction is here to stay, which is why every platform is now following TikTok’s lead into the next phase of video connection. But effective monetization of short-form video is hard. Vine found this out the hard way – while Vine was hugely popular at one stage, and kick-started the careers of many now well-known stars, Vine’s parent company Twitter could never work out how to generate significant revenue from Vine clips, because you can’t insert pre or mid-roll ads into such short content. That, eventually, saw its biggest stars moving on to greener pastures, which eventually also forced Vine to shut down. TikTok is well-aware of this, and it’s well-aware of the increased direct monetization potential on offer in other apps, which is a big part of why today TikTok has confirmed that all users will soon be able to upload 10 minute long videos in the app, a significant expansion on its current time limits. Read the full article, TikTok Confirms that 10 Minute Video Uploads are Coming to All Users, on Social Media Today.