Three Surefire Ways to Spot an Online Scam

Posted: May 04, 2021
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="363"] Image from pcworld.com[/caption] No matter how diligent you are about online safety, it can still be possible to fall victim to an online scam. Unfortunately, as time goes on, hackers are getting more and more crafty with their schemes. They prey on our sense of urgency and the pace of our busy lives to try to steal information. Learn how you can spot an online scam in order to keep yourself and your information safe. Ian Paul, writer for PC World, shares how to tell when there could potentially be an online scam.

How to spot an online scam: 3 dead giveaways

It's easy to be fooled by scammers online. But it's just as easy to spot those scams if you're paying attention. It’s surprisingly easy to fall for an online scam even if you’re hyperaware of all the ways bad actors can trick you. Online scammers are playing a numbers game. If they send out their scams to enough people, they’ll find a few people who posses a magic combination: Folks who are distracted by life and also concerned with their online accounts. That’s how I almost fell for an online scam. My credit card bill was coming due, but I was busy that month, and paying the bill was just one of many things percolating in the back of my mind. Then I suddenly got an email stating my bank was freezing my account if I didn’t login. “Oh no!” I thought. “I’m late paying my bill.” Without another thought, I clicked on the link in the email, even though I knew the right thing to do was type out the URL myself. I was just about to put in my login details when another thought came bubbling to the surface: Something seemed not quite right. Read the entire article How to spot an online scam: 3 dead giveaways on PC World.