[caption id="attachment_11607" align="alignright" width="496"]Image: Dumb Little Man[/caption]Often we look at rich people with envy, wondering how they became such a success, and how they made all that money. Don't focus on them and what they're doing, focus on thinking like a modern entrepreneur and becoming a success yourself.
[caption id="attachment_11607" align="alignright" width="496"]Image: Dumb Little Man[/caption]Often we look at rich people with envy, wondering how they became such a success, and how they made all that money. Don't focus on them and what they're doing, focus on thinking like a modern entrepreneur and becoming a success yourself.
Adam Prattler, founder of Post-me.org, a guest blogger startup, lends a hand at learning how to be a leader in the 21st Century.
Do you ever stop to wonder how rich people made their money?
Are they smarter than you?
Did they just work harder or smarter?
Or did they have a lucky break or some sort of advantage that let them reach their goals easily.
Worrying about all these questions is not a good thing to do if you want to create your own business.
Instead of worrying about what you can't change, it's much better to start thinking like a 21st century entrepreneur. They're much like entrepreneurs and businessmen from other time periods, but being in the early stages of the Information Age, quite a few differences also exist.
Tips to Succeed in Business (and Life)
Here's a collection of sage advice that will help you think like a modern entrepreneur. Following these tips and recommendations can give you an edge when competing against others in the business world.
● Seize the Day - As Saul Bellow wrote, it's important to seize the day. This includes being able to see opportunities and also have the foresight to act on them when they're noticed. This is not easy in the modern world that moves so quickly, but it's a good way to increase your chance of success in business and life in general.
● The Three Keys - If you want to succeed professionally in the 21st century, it all comes down to three basic things that you need; talent, persistence, and luck. While the first two are up to you, the last - getting a lucky break - may never happen. That is, unless you can do something to increase the odds you'll get lucky. This is the spirit of the modern entrepreneur.
● All About Balance - Learning moderation in all aspects of your life can go a long way in helping you have the right mindset to get ahead in the business world. This isn't always easy to do - especially with all the stress that comes with being a business leader - but with practice you can learnto balance work, play, rest and other aspects of your life.
● Ideas are Good, Results are Better - Thinking up ideas is not all that difficult for most people given enough time. On the other hand, actually taking those ideas and doing something with them is another matter entirely. The 21st century entrepreneur not only comes up with killer ideas, they act on them and take the lead no matter what industry they're in.
● Learn to Multitask - Being able to handle doing more than one thing at the same time is almost a necessity in the modern business world. The sooner you can learn to efficiently multitask, the sooner you'll begin to reach your goals and even surpass them. That or learn how to outsource easy tasks.
Read the entire article How To Think Like A 21st Century Entrepreneur. Tips For Success And Getting Ahead In The Information Age, at Dumb Little Man.