Things to Monitor on a Website Every Month
Posted: November 07, 2017
Most people think that setting up a new website means that after the launch it's completely autonomous. It will just do its thing and, other than content updates, won't need much attention from you, right? Wrong. Even after grueling hours of choosing the design, creating content and arranging the page layouts, there is still constant work and monitoring that has to be done. Checking these seven things will help ensure your website is doing the job you expect it to do.
Mark Walker-Ford, writer for Social Media Today, shares seven things that need to be checked on your website.
So, you’ve got your new business website live - you've spent ages crafting your design and creating page content, now you can just forget about it and let it do its job, right?
We share 7
things you should check on your website each month in this infographic.
- The key points are below:
- Check your links
- Update your content
- Test on new browsers and devices
- Double check all JavaScript interactions
- Double check all forms
- Update all hacks and workarounds
- Have a backup plan
Check out the infographic for more detail.
Read the entire article
7 Things You Should Check on Your Website Every Month on
Social Media Today.