These Lightroom Presets Will Change Your Digital Workflow

Posted: March 26, 2013

lightroom presetsIf you use Lightbox, these presets could be of great help to you during your next project.

lightroom presetsIf you use Lightbox, these presets could be of great help to you during your next project.

My personal digital workflow has changed a lot this year – I used to start in Photoshop with adjustment layers to do my primary processing. But now I power up Lightroom and go straight to Trey’s Lightroom Presets as a starting point (and I am often surprised to also end with them). We reached out to Trey Ratcliff who agreed to give our readers 25% off until Friday (3/29/13), simply use the discount code picturepresets at checkout. Now available here: Trey’s Lightroom Presets

Trey is best known as a pioneer in HDR photography. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, a technique whereby multiple levels of light are captured for a particular scene and then combined into a single photograph. The resulting images are richly detailed and more closely resemble what you recall of the scene in your mind. Trey created the first HDR photograph to hang in the Smithsonian. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOXand the BBC, and his photos have accumulated about 1 billion views.

Read entire article These Lightroom Presets Will Chang Your Digital Workflow on Picture Correct

Biz Tip provided by Laurie Lee Dovey, Exectutive Director of POMA