There are so many rules to follow in today's day and age. Do you know the rules of blogging?
There are so many rules to follow in today's day and age. Do you know the rules of blogging? [caption id="attachment_10270" align="alignright" width="424"]© dinostock -[/caption]When it comes down to it, if you want to build a popular blog, there are very few “rules” to follow.
Really, there is only one rule.
That’s the “Iron Law of Blogging”, and it can’t be broken, otherwise you’ll end up with a deserted collection of information that you meekly call a “blog”. Today, you’re going to find out what that rule is, and how you can abide by it… while still adding you.
The Iron Law
This “iron law” is cold, hard, and unforgiving – ignore it, and you will fail.
So what is it?
I think this quote from Marc Andreesen, a venture capitalist and founder of Netscape states it well:
Market matters most; neither a stellar team nor fantastic product will redeem a bad market. Markets that don’t exist don’t care how smart you are.
Or, in other words…
Your blog’s success is completely dependent on people actually wanting to read what you write about.
Read entire article The One Iron Law of Blogging