The Ideal Length for a Blog Post

Posted: August 17, 2015
Old vintage typewriterWhen writing a blog post, it's important to know the right length to make it. If it's too long, it may cause readers to lose interest – if it's too short, it may not give readers enough information. Learn the ideal length for a blog post.
Adrienne Erin, guest author for Daily Blog Tips, shares what the ideal length of a blog post is.

What Is the Ideal Length for a Blog Post?

There is no arguing the point that the Internet runs on content and that quality copy is essential to success. There is, however, some debate over the perfect length of a blog post and how its word count influences its overall performance. There will always be valid points to both sides, as the art of content marketing has more in common with consumer psychology than any exact science. That said, the purpose of this article is to address the ideal length of a blog post as relevant to the needs of professional bloggers. Fortunately, solid research has been done to shed light on the topic and provide a deeper insight from which we’re now able to draw data-backed conclusions. First, let’s discuss the two extremes. The Content Arms Race: Short vs. Long For the sake of argument and for the remainder of this article, we’ll maintain that a short blog post refers to content with around 1,000 words or less and a long-form blog post refers to a piece containing 2,000 words or more. Read the entire article What is the Ideal Length for a Blog Post on Daily Blog Tips.