The Art of Tweeting

Posted: November 04, 2014
[caption id="attachment_12093" align="alignright" width="284"]The Art of a Tweet Image from socialmediatoday.com[/caption]

When it comes to tweeting, certain guidelines should be followed. Formatting and character count are just a few things that should be considered when composing a tweet. Learn what to focus on to make your tweets the best they can be.

Dana Strokovsky, writer for Social Media Today, shares what is in the art of a tweet.

The Art of a Tweet

Twitter: so much to say, so little space – how can you possibly fit everything into a mere 140 characters? Ah, well that’s the challenge, and the gratification. Constructing a tweet seems simple to some, from an unfamiliar high level. However, for people who specifically choose every single character they share, and want every word to count, it’s more of a purposeful task. With that said, there is a thought process, or at least there should be, when constructing a tweet. What point are you trying to make? Are you attempting to stir up a conversation? Supply information? Simply vent? I’ve heard from too many people that they don’t understand Twitter, saying, What’s the point? I have nothing to say. I applaud those people for not tweeting just for the sake of tweeting, telling the world they had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. Some people use Twitter just as a listening tool, a place to aggregate their news and other interests. That’s fine. There are different types of tweets, as I noted. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that about 50% of my tweets revolve around sports, whether it’s sharing an article, talking about a game, fantasy football related, and/or interacting with others in the sports realm. Read the entire article The Art of a Tweet on Social Media Today.